The best way to get gasoline smell off your hands and clothes.

Sometimes, when dealing with hard chemicals, our hands or clothes can get a lingering odor from them that is very cumbersome to get rid of. This is the case of gasoline smell, and most accurately how hard it can be to get gasoline smell off your hands and clothes. Unfortunately, this smell will linger on you if left to its own devices, which is why it is best to get rid of it with a few quick methods that will cancel out the smell accurately and effectively.  

Whether you are used to fiddling with your car or not, you most probably will find yourself in a situation that requires handling gasoline at some point, like filling up your tank or any gasoline powered appliance. A spill onto your hands or clothes like this can actually be quite harmful since it’s mainly raw chemicals, it can cause irritation to the skin and other health issues if you inhale it for extended periods. 

When you get gasoline smell off your hands and clothes, it will not only make you feel relieved but will also help your health and general wellbeing. There are some products that will help you effectively perform this job, that you most likely already have in your pantry or can get with a quick visit to the store. We will provide a couple of tips and methods to clean your body and items in one go so gasoline smell is no longer a problem in your household. 

White Vinegar Method.

When trying to get gasoline smell off your hands and clothes you need to get the strong chemicals causing the lingering smell off from your body as fast and clean as possible to avoid any prolonged exposure to them. The best household staple that is harmless and can handle the job expertly is white vinegar.

Cleaning solution extraordinaire, this acid will handle gasoline with ease. As any kind of white vinegar will do, take a good pour into your hands and rub it for several seconds, about thirty to forty seconds should provide great clarity. The vinegar will break apart the bonds that hold the gasoline making all of the residue easy to remove with just water. Rinse thoroughly after soaking in vinegar and your hands or clothes should be clean. 

Lemon Juice Method.

Another acid, basic kitchen ingredient that you might in fact already have laying around. If you juice a couple of lemons and apply it to the affected zone, the citric acid in them will not only get gasoline smell off your hands and clothes but will provide a pleasant citrusy smell to counter the strong gas odor lingering in the air. 

As with the vinegar, soak your hands or piece of clothing for a good minute in the mixture of lemon juice and water, proportionately, before thoroughly rinsing away any remains. Make sure to soak and then scrub palms and fingers to clean any corner and nail underside available. 

Salt and dish soap method.

In case none of the previously mentioned products are available, you can easily get gasoline smell off your hands and clothes with just salt and a dish detergent mixture. Sodium chloride is really well known for its odor removing capabilities, is found in every modern kitchen and you will only need one or two teaspoons of it for this method. Dish soap on the other hand will also help in breaking the bonds of gasoline to effectively remove any odor from your hands when mixed with salt. 

For this method, pour some dish detergent into your hands, just about enough to cover them correctly, and then cover your hands with salt. Rub away the mixture through the whole extension of your fingers, in between and around palms and such. Let sit for a couple seconds and then rinse with abundant water. This method can be repeated if the odor is too strong or keeps lingering. 

Vanilla extract method.

Another good product present in most homes is vanilla extract. The solution will not only get rid of the foul smell but will also leave your items smelling wonderfully. This method follows the same procedure as the ones mentioned before. In this order, get a few drops of vanilla extract into half a cup of plain clean water and soak, or rub your hands, for about a minute. After using vanilla, it is recommended to wash your hands once more with water and soap to accurately seal out the cleanliness and smell of the method. 

Baking soda method.

Baking soda is a versatile compound that is used in many cleaning projects, favored for its effectiveness and quick action. For this method a paste made from one part of baking soda and three parts of water is mixed well and applied to the hands or clothes affected. As mentioned for all the other methods, rubbing your hands will ensure any chemicals are removed entirely from your skin, thus alleviating the smell of the gasoline. 

Alcohol or hydrogen peroxide method.

The last two products you can use to effectively get gasoline smell off your hands and clothes are rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide respectively. We have left this for last since they have strong odors on themselves not suited for people which already suffer from sensitive noses. Alcohol or the one present in hand sanitizer can be used to rub your hands away from the smell, but used various times can dry the skin. On the other hand, hydrogen peroxide can be a bit harmful to skin if used for long periods as well. 

Final tips.

As you may have noticed, all products mentioned are fairly easy to find and mostly safe to use on the skin. Beside these methods, there are a couple of things to keep in mind and some actions you can try to best eliminate any odors of gasoline from remaining in you. The first of these tips is to thoroughly wet your hands and scrub for at least two minutes before adding any of the products mentioned, including soap.

Make sure you are cleaning under your fingernails and between each finger when scrubbing, to cover all the surface of your hands. If by any means none of the methods listed work or you have sensitive skin, you can always purchase mechanical hand soap that is designed for these types of heavy chemicals and mishaps. As since prevention is the best solution to most problems, foresight using gloves for any gas handling situation you might undergo.