How to remove cloudiness from glass top stoves.

Kitchens come furnished with several handy appliances that make our lives easier and also look good in the meantime. This is true for anything from new hi tech fridges to induction ovens with air frying included. But none of these can get real messy in the blink of an eye like one appliance in specific.

Glass stove tops have the tendency to provide mixed feelings to whoever owns one, for they are sleek, modern and shiny solutions to achieve that clutter-free kitchen of any homemaker’s dream.

Brand new glass top stoves are a great addition to any kitchen. Their surface is durable, very easy to manipulate, gets cleaned in a cinch and if your stove is a new technology one, might even prevent unnecessary burns and accidents. However, accidents will happen in any household despite their daily use of the kitchen, spills, boil-overs, even the bottom of wet pots used right after wash will cloud up any ceramic stove top and then, learning how to remove cloudiness from glass top stoves will become an essential step of your weekly or monthly routine. 

Cause of the cloudiness.

Many if not all glass stove tops will get cloudy over time because of several factors of usage. The main factor is basically food, but another one of these factors is acidic condensates that have not been burned, another factor can be hard water deposits, and any liquids dripping to the glass top that was not cared for timely.

As mentioned, stains and spills will also cloud up the surface, as droplets build up and get burned or re-burnt, then you will most likely have to handle cloudy glass and baked stains to pair. If not cleaned correctly, a glass stove top can be damaged and scratched, so in order to avoid this and effectively learn how to remove cloudiness from glass top stoves we will provide you a step by step breakdown on how to remove cloudiness from glass top stoves masterfully. 


Before doing any actual cleaning on the stove top, you need to ensure it is set up for maintenance and gather any and all materials to be used in the process. Be sure to turn off the stove and if it has a button for it, lock the controls so nothing gets turned on while you are wiping it away. After letting it cool completely and removing any pans from it, gather your products and a clean dry towel to wipe off any remnants that may stay behind after cleaning. 


When all preparations have been made and the stove has cooled down, get dish soap -preferably dawn-, baking soda, citric acid powder (or vinegar if you are not able to get citric acid) and a clean cloth. Since we are dealing with chemicals, keep a pair of gloves at hand if your skin is sensitive to any. To get all the cleaning done and successfully know how to remove cloudiness from glass top stoves, follow the next steps carefully. 

Step one.

Get your dish soap and spread a good amount on top of your glass stove, pour a generous amount in the general area but be sure to cover any burnt on or tough stains with it, as these will need extra attention. A different way to do this step is to get a mixture of hot water and dish soap and soak a soft rag in it to absorb it. Reserve the wet cloth for after step two if you do it. 

Step two.

Whether you poured the dish soap or dampened the cloth, step two is to sprinkle a good amount of baking soda to the entire surface of the stove top. Be sure to get all the spots where dish soap was spreaded. On the other hand, if you have the damp cloth handy, put it on the stove top covered with baking soda. 

Step three.

If you have a resulting mixture of baking soda and dish detergent, go ahead and mix it thoroughly into the glass with your hands, then leave the mixture to sit on the glass for fifteen to twenty minutes. If you use the soft cloth with warm water method, leave the cloth on for the same amount of time. 

Step four.

After the time is over, get a soft cloth or sponge (for the mixture method) or use the damp cloth from the second way to wipe the surface with circular motions and clean the glass. Rub in the mixture until all spots affected have been treated with some elbow grease. Clean the mixture completely until everything is wiped off from the appliance -this might take some rinsing of the rag- and check if any spots have been left out.

For tough spots you might need to rub in with some extra effort, but if the stain is not giving, then you can use a magic eraser (melamine foam sponge) to loosen it up. No traces of the scrubbing mixture should remain in the glass before the next step so rinse as many times as needed. 

Step five.

Grab a (different if you used the wet cloth method) dry microfiber cloth and proceed to wipe the surface of the glass to shine it. Newspaper is also a good way to do this step since it is lint free and provides a shiny finish to the ceramic without making or leaving any streaks. 

Prevention tips.

Cleaning a glass stove top is an extremely easy and sweat free process for the most part, but it is highly recommended to avoid anything that might cloud up the material in the first place. For this very reason we have some useful tips to keep in mind when handling your stove.

First tip is to make it a habit of cleaning your stove top at least daily with a microfiber cloth and vinegar -or just water- before using the appliance and to avoid serious burnt stains in the long run. Do not use scouring pads, hard brushes or abrasive chemicals to clean the surface of your stove as this will damage the ceramic’s finish.  Carefully move pans around your stove, it is best to lift them up completely and place them on the intended burner instead of just sliding them, even for a short stretch. Following these tips will ensure you keep your glass top clean and shiny for longer.