How to remove blinds with hidden brackets.

Window blinds are a really cool home commodity that has been through their own fair share of innovations. However, they not only shield your interiors from the harsh sunlight, but also decorate it beautifully with a wide style range that can vary in many factors like color, build, material, length and much more.

This just takes the available options to new levels that would make any enthusiastic homeowner enjoy the decision making of which blinds to acquire when spacing up their house. Leading us to a common problem that might arise for those home keepers that might choose to go with blinds that are mounted on brackets hidden away from sight. 

Many choose to install hidden brackets for their wall-mounted blinds to keep them from actually clashing with the decor surrounding the windows, making it blend nicely and be almost no noticeable. Then, when it is time to upgrade blinds, do a paint job or move away, the task of removing the blinds could truly present an obstacle if you don’t really know how to take them away from the wall. In this case, we come to the rescue with a few tips on how to remove blinds with hidden brackets of many builds.

These brackets are, as the name suggests, hidden away from view to host the rail of the blinds securely in place to showcase a sleek design. The proper way to perform the complete uninstallation takes about a few minutes depending completely on the style of bracket that might have been chosen for the task. We will cover just about the most common models of hidden brackets and the correct and easiest way to uninstall the units swiftly.

Because these engineered pieces are built with their own mechanisms to snap or release, you will not really need to use almost any tool, but this will -again- be dependent on the model of bracket your blinds are being held with. For this reason, you might choose to keep any of the following tools close by in case of needing it at all, any knife, exact knife, flat screwdriver or even a 5 in 1 tool might suffice for this project. 

Getting to work.

As you approach the window in question, you will most likely notice the unique build of the mechanism that holds it, or maybe you’ll just see the valence, if the style of your blinds included one. In case of the latter happening, go ahead and take the valence out of the way by removing it from the head rail, pushing it away from the clips attached on top. With the valence out of the way, the head rail mount will be plain and visible and by this point you might have spotted the bracket’s installation already. 

Most brackets can be found at the very sides, on both ends of the blinds -one for each side- for equilibrium. Here is where the different models will be discussed as it will determine the best way to remove them. The first way of how to remove blinds with hidden brackets is to determine which hidden bracket your blinds are mounted on.

For the models with tabs that keep the hinged side closed you may employ a screwdriver in order to pry it open by gently lifting the side off said tab, once open, the bracket will pose no resistance when you try to remove the blinds. Similar to this style are box brackets, which will also open up to free the blinds. 

Another very common model of hidden brackets is spring loaded ones. Their mechanism works in a rather simple way: at the back of the brackets, a pair of clips will house the back part of the blind’s head rail and conceal the rest of the bracket. Then a spring will place the head rail where it belongs with a click, so when you need to remove the head rail, all the steps needed are just to push on the springs. 

For a more detailed step by step and the best way to uninstall these spring loaded brackets is to, after having the valance removed if needed, push the head rail on both ends towards the window panel, followed by tilting the back down by a bit so the head comes right out. You can reverse the process in the opposed direction if you wish to install new or the same blinds back. 

For brackets without this spring loaded mechanics, you can follow the first set of instructions as the “tab” of “door” mechanisms are the most popularly used and most other models will have a fairly similar construction. If by any means, the blinds you acquired have metal tabs with the word “push” written on them, hanging from the sides of the brackets, that means you can push on these in the direction your window is placed to make removal of the blind swifter than having to pull it off the rails. 

A few final tips.

While all the process and steps on how to remove blinds with hidden brackets might seem very hassle free and simple, do not hesitate to ask for a third party to support you if needed with handling the rail or tools that your blinds might require for its uninstallation. This being said, you will find it very straight forward as most blinds are not heavy at all and once collapsed properly, you should be able to hold it even with just one hand. 

After you have removed your blinds, you might want to take out the brackets as well in case you need them for moving out or to complete a thorough paint job to be performed in the wall they are resting on.

If this is the case we strongly suggest scoring the site of the bracket with an exact knife or another tool you have handy, since paint would mostly cover any kind of ink, marker or pen you use to save the previous location of the brackets, but a slanted mark will show even after being painted, just be careful not to cover the groove with various layers. And this will basically be how to remove blinds with hidden brackets in a nutshell.