How to clean floor grout without scrubbing

Many people love the look of floor grout. Leaving some floor grout between tiles makes for a beautiful, lasting effect, and for this reason it’s become an ever popular look in houses all over the world. However, anyone who’s had to clean their floor grout can attest to the sheer tediousness of the task

Once floor grout gets moldy or discolored, you’ll need to get to scrubbing it down to remove it.

But what if we told you there was an easier way to remove floor grout? One that doesn’t involve you getting down on your knees and scrubbing the spaces between those tiles yourself? It may seem a bit too good to be true, but these have been tried and true methods for decades now.

So, what exactly do these methods entail? It’s mostly about mixing up different cleaning agents in order to achieve the desired effect. You’ll find that these homemade remedies can get you some great results. Once you’ve learned all the tips and tricks we’re about to show you here today, you can say effortlessly goodbye to dirty floor grout!

Do keep in mind that some of these may need a tiny amount of scrubbing, but not to the degree that you’ll need to get down and work hard on it. Other than that though, there’s nothing to it, so let’s get on with how to clean floor grout without scrubbing!

How to clean floor grout without scrubbing: peroxide and baking soda

Getting right into it, the most popular and effective way to clean floor grout without scrubbing is mixing equal amounts of peroxide and baking soda together for a descaled solution. You can also mix in dish soap to give the mixture a nice scent and some proper liquidity. This combination of ingredients makes for one of the most potent grout cleaners you’ll ever find anywhere, and it works great!

First, get all the ingredients required for the descaled solution and mix them together. Once everything is properly mixed, spread the solution onto any surface with discolored, moldy grout. Let rest for 10 minutes, and then rinse and gently scrub as you watch the dirt and grime fade away effortlessly.

So, why does this work? The main reason is that peroxide acts as a strong oxidizing agent with excellent disinfectant property. When you add a substance with an alkali property take for example baking soda, it essentially makes a mixture that dissolves dirt and grease as soon as it comes into contact with it. This leads to the foaming effect you see when you apply the descaling solution.

Perhaps the best part about peroxide and baking soda as grout cleaners is that it keeps forever, is easy to use and doesn’t have any chance of harming the user. Definitely one of the best ways to remove grout without all the hassle.

How to clean floor grout without scrubbing: vinegar and citrus solution

Vinegar is a shockingly versatile household product. It’s a hallmark of kitchens everywhere, and it’s a key component in many of the science experiments you see in schools everywhere. What people don’t tend to know however is that it’s also a key component in making a cleaner that can absolutely demolish the dirt and grime in your floor grouts!

To do this, you’ll need a couple of ingredients, most of which you can find in your household. You’ll need 3 ½ cups of hot water, 1/3 cup of unsweetened lemon juice, ½ cup of baking soda, 1/6 cup of plain white vinegar and a bottle to keep your solution in, preferably a spray bottle to make things easier.

Mix all of these together and keep it in your bottle for a bit, and you’ll find that it makes for an effective and affordable floor grout cleaner. Do keep in mind that you definitely don’t want to use this one stone tiles, it can damage those. Otherwise though, this works well for dirty grouting, as well as many other places like tile surfaces themselves.

How to clean floor grout without scrubbing: clorox bleach

Bleach is a powerful substance, and one of the best raw cleaners available. Any household should have some Clorox bleach sitting around in a corner of the house in case it’s needed. Applying bleach to your dirty floor grout and leaving will get all that dirt off, leaving for an easy clean. It also doesn’t require much effort on the end of the user, just buying the bleach itself.

We generally don’t recommend it that much though, as bleach is an extremely harsh cleaner. Leaving it on your grout or tiles for a bit too long can significantly damage your floors, grouts and tiles. This damage is also permanent, meaning you’ll never be able to remove it. Not to mention, you need to wear proper eye and skin protection before using it, lest you accidentally hurt yourself.

This goes without saying, but make sure the house and area you’re cleaning is well ventilated when you’re using bleach. It’s definitely a very functional way to clean floor grouts without scrubbing, but use it with care and make sure you stay vigilant if you go with this method.

How to clean floor grout without scrubbing: steam cleaner

A steam cleaner mixed with some cleaner can do absolute wonders for your floor grout. It’s as simple as just assembling your steam cleaner, turning it on and cleaning the grout with the hot steam that comes from it. This works better with a good cleaner, especially one of the other ones on this list. Once you’ve got that done, just wipe away the leftover residue.

And with that, we’ve reached the end of the list. We hope these help you get your floor grout to be nice and clean, without you needing to break your back over it. It is a difficult task, but with enough help, baking soda and effort, we’re sure you can get everything in perfect condition soon enough!