How to remove walnut stain from hands

Among the variety of trees that provide nuts, one of the most prominent is the walnut. The edible part of the walnut fruit is the seed, which is encapsulated inside a hard and resistant shell. The process of extracting the nut, when done manually, consists of washing the fruit after harvesting, then making cuts with a knife and peeling off the pulp and shell, thus exposing the seed. As a result of the oxidation of the peel and the chemical agents that it possesses, a series of dark stains are impregnated in the skin (especially in the hands) that are very difficult to remove. These stains lighten until they disappear with a normal washing of the hands, but this process lasts several days.

In this article I show you the procedure for how to remove walnut stain from hands. The first thing to keep in mind is to wear protective gloves when handling the walnut fruit, this is necessary because the fruit generates stains on contact with the skin and gloves prevent such contact directly. Usually people feel more comfortable without wearing gloves in this process, but this results in the generation of stains on the hands.

Procedure for how to remove walnut stain from hands.

1- Use vinegar and rub all over the stained area using both hands. Leave for several minutes before rinsing. The acid component of the vinegar acts on the stain and makes it easy and quick to remove. We should not be afraid that the acidic action of the vinegar may cause something to happen to the skin of our hands since this level of acidity is perfectly tolerable for our skin but it is effective against the chemicals that produce the walnut stain. At the end, wash with dishwashing liquid soap and rinse with plenty of water.

2- Use the juice of several lemons and two tablespoons of salt and vigorously rinse both hands and leave for several minutes. The acidity level of the lemon has a direct effect on the stain, which helps to remove it. Rinse well before the next step. We don’t have to worry about the acidity of the lemon affecting our skin, it is perfectly safe.

3- Prepare a mixture of toothpaste and baking soda. Prepare a considerable amount according to the size of the stain. Apply this paste all over the stained area with a brush. Leave it on for several minutes and then rinse with plenty of water. The combined effect of the toothpaste and the baking soda generates an abrasive action that removes the stain, in addition to whitening the area of exposure.

It is important to note that in the process of how to remove walnut stain from hands, if the stain is completely removed in some of the steps described above, it is not necessary to continue with the process. However, if at the end of the process the stain persists and still remains impregnated in our skin, it is advisable to repeat the process.

To have an idea of the origin of this fruit, we must talk about the tree that produces it, the planting process, places where it is planted, the harvesting process and the walnut production process.

The walnut technically known as juglans regia is a tree native to the Middle East and was later introduced in Europe and the United States, with the Black Walnut variety standing out in the latter.

Most outstanding characteristics of the walnut tree

Among the most outstanding characteristics of this tree are its precious wood, its aromatic leaves and its edible and widely commercialized fruit (the Walnut). Its wood is highly prized in the area of cabinetmaking as its main trunk can reach an impressive 25 meters in height and 2 meters in diameter, which means that it provides a lot of wood per unit. It is considered a precious wood because it has good density, is easy to work, does not splinter, has veins that give it a beautiful finish and is also very resistant to insect attack. It is widely used for veneers and coatings, wood flooring, lathe parts, firearm butts, musical instruments and high quality furniture.

Walnut requires an average temperature between 21 and 28 degrees Celsius as optimum temperature. It has high resistance to cold temperatures ranging from 7 to 12 degrees Celsius. And as a critical point, when the walnut tree is emerging, frosts between -1 and -4 degrees considerably affect the size of the fruit and the productive yield of the nuts.

Walnut leaves

Walnut leaves are widely used in infusions, mainly to help lower glucose levels in diabetics, and it is recommended to drink this tea before each meal. The tea of walnut leaves is an excellent stimulant of the circulatory system, helps with problems of rheumatism and varicose veins.

Walnut fruit (the nut)

The walnut is the fruit of the walnut tree and is composed of a hard shell which in turn is covered by the soft and fibrous outer shell. It has a sweet taste and looks like a brain, which is why in ancient times, the civilizations that cultivated them, assumed that they raised the intellectual index and mental agility. This made it an exclusive edible fruit for the royalty of that time. As time went by, the cultivation of walnuts was developed for all its characteristics and properties, this increased the production of walnuts and, in turn, became more affordable for all social classes.

The fruits of this tree begin to produce 10 years after planting. It is a slow process but many favorable results are obtained.

The harvesting of the nuts is done in different ways, industrialized and manual. The case of more priority for us is the manual process because it is where there is more incidence of stains produced by the walnut fruit. The harvesting process begins with the collection of the walnut in its natural form (with its two covers, the soft or external and the hard or internal), they are deposited in a container and are broken one by one in order to break the outer part (soft) and then removed by hand. Once the outer part is separated from the inner part, the nuts are placed in special containers to begin the drying process, and the outer shell is used in other processes, such as the extraction of walnut ink. The nuts are then cracked using tools such as hammers and special utensils to finally separate and extract the nut from its hard shell.

The walnut fruit or walnut is highly valued for its oil, and is also widely used in pastry and confectionery, it is a very good source of vitamin E and calcium. They also provide vitamin C and B.