How to clean the crevices of a window groove.

One chore most people resent the more they perform it, is deep cleaning. Not only is it time consuming, but also taxing in many ways. Cleaning might be very distressing and not so therapeutic for a group of people due to the many crevices and uncomfortable parts that some houses are built with, making it difficult, cumbersome or very inconvenient to perform cleaning to them. 

These uncomfortable spaces are everywhere in our houses. Ceiling molding, baseboards, window sills, you name it. The nooks and crannies of how your house was created will vary a lot depending on the level of design or even if you performed upgrades to it yourself.

Despite all of these factors, we can all agree that in the list of top uncomfortable spaces to clean, window rails are definitely included. Window grooves or sliding door railings have crevices and slanted pieces that due to the narrow space they are built on, make it very cramped for a normal sized hand with tools or a cloth to clean it. 

You might have tried it all. We know we have: brushes, rags, sponges, the list keeps enlarging. But for some reason, none of these tools get the job done as easily, effortlessly and cleanly as one tool in particular, that might be the solution to all and any intolerable corner that needs cleaning. When it comes to window grooves and sliding door railings, a specialized window groove cleaning brush is the product that will get all the dust and debris out in just a few strides. 

What is this window groove cleaning brush.

The window groove cleaning brush we mention is a tool specially designed to tackle this very exact problem we have at hand. Hard to reach, narrow and awkward spaces that collect dust can be cleaned with the tools mentioned above but none will get the dirt off those curves and corners some railings have, this is when the window groove cleaning brush comes in handy.

This brush is made to ergonomically fit into said crevices and is equipped with a pair of brushes (sponge like brushes) that remove dust and debris with just a couple of strokes. It sounds very simple and straightforward, and it in fact is, but it is full of features that make it a great cleaning option to acquire when trying to tackle the clean process of those not so reachable spaces. 


To start off, since the brush is designed for a very demanding and confined task, it needs to be of great quality and durability. Fortunately, the tool is manufactured from high quality polypropylene, both handles and bristles are durable, flexible, wear-resistant and gentle to your surfaces to avoid scratching and markings, being able to be used wet or dry. 

The design of the tool is intended for it to fit into any kind of gap, corner and cracks, making cleaning a thing of minutes. While the handle is comfortable and durable, the brushes can be replaced, and although thin, they are durable enough to withstand many cleaning sessions. Although it is advertised as a window groove cleaning brush, it can be used for many more zones around the house that are both hard to reach and awkward to clean with any other tool. 

Some manufacturers include with the window groove cleaning brush an additional tool that resembles a pocket broom and dustpan which fits perfectly into the nooks of the rails to sweep and scoop any dust piles and debris trapped into the rails. Many sellers of the brush include brush replacements and other goodies with your purchase of the window groove cleaning brush, but all in all, with the brush alone you are already getting a great deal and help to get those difficult zones rid of dirt once and for all. 

How to use the tool.

It might seem very counterintuitive to mention how to use such a simple tool, but take it as provided tips to successfully use it to clean the many surfaces you might be neglecting thus far in preference of easier to reach spaces that are not so dusty as your window rails. Even when the tool seems so straightforward, it is good to keep in mind a few things that will actually help us clean faster and efficiently with it. 

The first of these tips is to wipe as much dust off the zone with the pocket sized brush that comes with the tool to make sure the excess dirt and debris is off the surface for when we actually brush the crevices.

Secondly, wet the brush when cleaning dusty window grooves. This will not only collect much more dust from the surface but it will also refresh the metal and if you use any additional cleaning agent or product with it, it will help with the overall cleanliness of the area. 

Another great tip is to rotate the tool while brushing off the groves. Since some window and door rails come engineered with curves and undersides that carry the wheels (if your door model has wheels) and other components of the encasing, these need to be cleaned as well since dust might collect more easily in these hard to reach spaces, rotating the brush will help you reach these ones with just adjusting your grip and tilting your hand.

The last tip we would like to provide is to wash and completely clean the bristles and sponge on the brush each time you use it on several windows, so the dust collected does not harden inside the brush and transfer to the next cleaning session. 

Final thoughts.

All in all, this cleaning tool provides a great alternative to effectively clean and make sure no window or door rail is left untouched and dusty on the next cleaning session. Having such a handy and versatile tool is a great addition to any household, so make sure to get a couple and include brush replacements to ensure you have plenty, to fully extend the usable life of this amazing addition to your next cleaning spree.